Risk Assessing

What is risk?

What do we really mean by risk?

To ensure a safe work environment, you need to understand the definition
To define risk, we first need to take a look at a few basic terms…

For a hazard to cause harm, a
hazardous event must happen
For a hazard to cause harm, a
hazardous event must happen

Risk is the combination of the
likelihood of a hazardous event occurring, and the consequence of the event
          Risk  =  Likelihood       x       Consequence

What is a risk assessment?
A risk assessment is a careful examination of anything in your work environment that could cause injury or ill health

A risk assessment helps to protect:
your workforce and others
your business

How are risk assessments carried out?

2. Identify the risks

2. Identify the risks

2. Identify the risks
What are the hazards?
Who might be harmed?
How might they be harmed?
3. Estimate the risk
You need to consider two things:
how likely is it that something could go wrong?
how serious would the outcome be?


 4. Evaluate the risk
Now that you’ve estimated the risk, what are you going to do about it?
 4. Evaluate the risk
5 – Very likely
4 – Likely
3 – Fairly likely
2 – Unlikely
1 – Very unlikely

4. Evaluate the risk
5 – Catastrophic
4 – Major
3 – Moderate
2 – Minor
1 – Insignificant

5. Record your findings
the location, activity and
equipment being assessed
hazards and risk levels
risk controls
assessor’s details
date and time
review date

6. Review your findings
When changes occur (personnel, equipment or activities), you should review your risk assessments.
It’s a legal requirement to review assessments regularly

Tips to improve your risk assessment:
Make sure it’s suitable and sufficient
Better data helps make better judgements
Involve the people it’s likely to affect
Conditions may vary from site to site
Consider “on the spot” assessments

Put risk assessment into practice

Key learning points:
What is risk?
What is a risk assessment?
How are risk assessments carried out

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